Likes and Dislikes

Let´s start talking about the things that I don't like 

I don't like horror movies. I'm a fearful person and simple things scare me like big trucks, unexpected noises and spiders. I also don't like doing any kind of sport or exercise and it's because I'm not good at it

I like dancing, and singing despite I'm not good at all. My favorite kind of music is the Korean Pop. I enjoy spending time learning choreographies of some kpop groups. 

I also like korean dramas. I started to see it at 14 and now that I'm 17 I have seen almost 50 korean dramas. At the begining I was catch for the sweet romance but now I appreciate these dramas for their production and the different currently topics that they talk about.

Eating is something that I really enjoy and why not? Peru has tasty meals. But let me tell you my little obsession with sweet food. I refer to ice creams, cookies, chocolate and of course desserts.

Another thing that I really like is go out and have fun with my family and friends.It doesn't matter the places where we go while I'm with them. 
Last but not least I love spending time with my dear pet. Its name is Cooky and it's a naughty cat 


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